Sunday, January 2, 2011

1. California Department of Transportation building in San Diego- Gold

I know there are nay-sayers when it comes to LEED design but every time I find myself in a structure designed to meet LEED standards, I just can't believe we haven't been designing buildings like this for years. You take your pick: a cold, square, cement block of a building with tiny windows or this.

Please allow me to introduce you to San Diego's Department of Transportation headquarters. It is a LEED gold building- the second highest level a building can be awarded. Graceful lines and soaring open spaces define this wonderful piece of architecture. The phrase "I would love to come to work here every day" kept repeating itself in my mind as I walked around. Although I was not allowed to photograph inside the building for security reasons, you should be able to tell from the exterior shots that the interior space is flooded with natural light. And as if the structure weren't enough, the landscaping is a beautiful mixture of lush that just made me want to lay on the ground to take it all in. 

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